Hi, great article. I used your compact flash one a while back to help me build a network booting Linux box with no hard drives. Yesterday I added the ability to play movies on it with the help of this article.
Did you need to be root to run mplayer with the vidix driver? I found it only worked as root so I SUID'd the binary to make it work. Also, do you have any photos of any of these boxes in action?
Details of my one are here anyway http://boncey.org/blogByCategory.go?cat=3
Posted 13 Dec 2005 by Darren
RE: Excellent article
Glad you found the article useful, no I don't have any photos yet as they are still running in standard cases. Nice looking case you've got there.
As for the running mplayer as root issue, I hadn't noticed, as naughtily I still log in as root as I'm still making tweaks here and there, such as getting the OSD fonts working in mplayer.